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Connecting Patients and Researchers: A Successful Lab Tour at Sanquin

On December 23, 2024, just before the holidays, the PhD students within the TRACER consortium organized a special lab tour at Sanquin. This event was specifically designed for patients participating in the research of the Responsible Research & Innovation working group and for representatives of the patient organizations Stichting OSCAR and Stichting Zeldzame Bloedziekten, both of which collaborate with TRACER. The initiative arose from a desire to bridge the gap between researchers and patients and to provide greater insight into what happens with the material patients with rare blood disorders donate for research.

During the tour, participants were given a unique opportunity to see laboratory work up close. The PhD students in the lab prepared various cultures to explain the steps of the research process. Participants could view samples under microscopes, observe the cultures, and ask any questions they had about the research. The engagement was remarkable, and the enthusiasm was contagious on both sides. After the 90-minute tour, there was a shared lunch, followed by an open discussion about the TRACER research, where participants could ask further questions and share their experiences.

The day was all about connection and mutual understanding. For many patients, the process after donating material for research remains an unfamiliar trajectory. At the same time, researchers work intensively with this material but rarely have personal contact with the people they aim to help. This lab tour provided a valuable opportunity to bring these two worlds closer together and share insights.

The PhD students reflect on a highly successful day, where not only knowledge and enthusiasm were exchanged but also the foundation for a stronger relationship between researchers and patients was laid. This experience highlights the importance of open communication and engagement, and the team hopes to organize more initiatives like this in the future.

PhD students Lou van Hooff, Liza Dijkhuis, Oyishee Ahmad, Teun Slijkerman, Marien van der Stel, and Maria Simanovich conduct their research in the groups of Eva-Maria Merz (Sanquin), Emile van den Akker (Sanquin), and Sjaak Philipsen (Erasmus MC).

Participants in one of the labs visited at Sanquin
Participants in one of the labs visited at Sanquin


©2023 by TRACER Consortium.

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